Factual independent investigations process

CA Compliance is an established provider of impartial independent investigations delivering findings as to fact.

CA Compliance’s approach to conducting independent investigations is to:

  1. Attain clarity on what the investigation will achieve through a signed Terms of Reference between the parties and stick to this remit
  2. Interview the complainant and respondent followed by relevant witnesses to gather factual and documentary evidence
  3. Explore and investigate the information gathered to include inspections, seeking expert opinion, viewing CCTV footage, etc. to assist validation of findings
  4. Share settled interviewee meeting notes and documentation for party commentary as applicable during the process
  5. Document findings as to fact gathered during the aggregate investigation within an evidenced based report
  6. Share draft report with the complainant and respondent seeking their comments on any factual inaccuracies before finalising report
  7. Issue final report to the relevant parties and the investigation lead of the entity
Posted in Articles of interest.